Interesting facts about Casuarina plant

Casuarina is an evergreen plant that grow as a shrub or small tree

The plants mainly found in coastal habitat such as estuaries and beaches.

The Casuarina commonly known as Australian pine or She-oak

Casuarina is popular in the world of Bonsai, where their unique features and adaptability.

Casuarina blooms twice a year during February and April & Sept to Oct.

Its leave resembles pine needles but they are actually grayish green photosynthesis

One kg of Casuarina seeds contain about  6,00,000 to 7,00,000 no of seeds

Germination of the seedling happening within 2 weeks after Sowing.

it has known as the best firewood of the world because it immediately catches fire even when green and ashes retain heat for long  time

Cone filled with seed are important source of food for the birds such as black cockatoos, firnches and rainbow

The fruit has a conical shape, even through it is not an actual conifer.